

CareAI is a biomedical product which brings computer vision and AI to the recovery space. Using Intel's 3DAT motion capture technology, CareAI helps patients recover from total knee replacements by guiding them through post-operative procedures, assessing physical therapy exercises, delivering the data to the clinician, and providing positive reinforcement to the patient.

Product Design
UI Design


During my co-op at Intel, I was the lead UI/UX designer for CareAI. I was tasked with creating 3 applications: a clinician portal, a patient app, and an admin portal. When tasked with designing 3 applications in less than 6 months, I knew it would be a challenge to make my design process as efficient as possible without compromising quality.

In order to avoid sacrificing the quality of my work to meet deadlines, I established a few goals for myself:

  1. Create a strong set of branding guidelines which will establish consistency and a unique brand identity.
  2. Make use of components everywhere you can.
  3. Ask for help, clarification, and feedback from the team as much as possible.

These goals became the foundation of my process and allowed me to reach each product milestone.

Clinician Portal

The clinician portal is an application for surgeons, physical therapists, or other clinicians involved in the patient's care to use to track and monitor patients' progress, build a library of treatment plan templates, prescribe treatment plans, and communicate with patients. After extensive research on competitors and many moodboards, my design process began with sketches and low-fidelity prototyping. At this point, I only knew that there needed to be a log in flow, patient list, and patient dashboard so that is what I started with. I chose a clean-feeling color scheme and simple sans-serif type so that clinicians would feel at ease when dealing with information of so many patients.

Early Hi-fis

As the product was further defined, the complexity increased weekly. What started with only a log-in flow, patient list, and patient dashboard turned into a home page, patient-specific treatment plan builder, treatment template builder, library page, settings, patient profile, clinician profile, 3D visualizer, survey, and notes. I bounced back and forth between pages so that I wouldn't get too fixated on tiny aspects and so that I could keep the new ideas flowing. Even though I was the only designer, I was able to present my designs to my team members multiple times a week and receive constructive critique. After reaching the M0.5 deadline in October, we performed product demos where I presented my designs to executives including Intel's CEO, Pat Gelsinger. We also completed user-testing by interviewing physical therapists and surgeons in order to get a better understanding of the user's needs.

Midway Hi-fis

Hundreds of Figma frames later, I reached my final milestone in December for the clinician portal. Throughout the process I worked with teams of developers to finalize and perfect the designs to match the vision I had in mind.

Final Clinician Portal

Patient App

The CareAI patient app is a mobile application for patients which enhances the post-operative recovery experience. On a tablet at home, patients can view treatment plans created by their clinician, track assessments and exercises with Intel's 3DAT markerless motion capture technology, monitor their progress, and receive feedback from their clinician. I designed the patient app in parallel with the clinician portal in order to establish consistency in the brand identity and maximize efficiency.

Early Hi-fis

My process with the Patient App was similar to the Clinician Portal, except for the change in average user demographics. I began with lots of research on designing for the elderly and competitors in the market. I knew that my main focus when designing the application would be making it as user-friendly as possible for 55 to 80 year old users. After research and moodboarding, I dove into low-fis of the home page, assessment overview page, capture experience, and results page. I then quickly transitioned to hi-fis in order to reach quick product deadlines.

Midway Hi-fis

Midway progressions on the Patient App included updates to the home page, a daily wellness survey, capture experience updates, and changes to how results were displayed. In product demos, we showed how a patient would use the app with their tablet in the home. We also started user-testing in this stage by interviewing total knee replacement patients.

Final Patient App

6 months later, I reached my final milestone for the Patient App. In addition to updates to every screen, new features were added such as an analytics and results page, a session summary page, real-time video in the capture experience, an alignment assistant before capture, and an auto-gauge for measuring range of motion during assessments. I worked with teams of developers to ensure that the final product matched my vision.

Admin Portal

My final task at Intel was creating an Administrator Portal for the Clinician Application. This part of the product was not fully defined yet, but I created low-fis and some high-fis based on a vision I had for what the application could be. In the Admin Portal, administrators can add clinicians, patients, and clinic locations as well as manage their organization. I stuck with a simple design and similar components as the Clinician Portal and Patient App to maintain consistency in the brand identity. This application is not completed yet, but will serve as a foundation/template for the team going forward.

Admin Portal High-Fis